Friday, 14 May 2010


I had forgotten how many memories I had when I watched Mary Poppins after almost two decades. She recreated the same magic on me all over again. And Mary Poppins sprinkled her magic charm on my baby too. I will not forget the awe-struck look on her face ever...cos it somewhere resembled mine.

My forever favourite parts are the song and dance sequences, but naturally. But, I now have a new realisation of how a laugh and its joy actually makes us all lighter from within, that you get the power to float. Floating is truly a strength. And I don't want to be sad for long to bring me crashing down, even though its gentle. The scene with Uncle Albert is a classic.

Mary Poppins has given life a new description...with a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down now having another interpretation...with a spoonful of tomatoes makes th
e vegetables go down....See what I mean by her ever-lasting charm.

Of course "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" say it when you really have nothing to say. Oh! I will use it for sure, now that I really have the need to use it often. And I am hoping it will start making some sense...

And as we hum Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee....A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be... I hope we get to create our own little magic from time to time. Sing along, hum along, live are the words:

Chim chiminey

Chim chiminey

Chim chim cher-ee!

A sweep is as lucky

As lucky can be

Chim chiminey

Chim chiminey

Chim chim cher-oo!

Good luck will rub off when

I shake 'ands with you

Or blow me a kiss

And that's lucky too

Now as the ladder of life

'As been strung

You may think a sweep's

On the bottommost rung

Though I spends me time

In the ashes and soot

In this 'ole wide world

There's no 'appier bloke

Up where the smoke is

All billered and curled

'Tween pavement and stars

Is the chimney sweep world

When the's 'ardly no day

Nor 'ardly no night

There's things 'alf in shadow

And 'alf way in light

On the roof tops of London

Coo, what a sight!

I choose me bristles with pride

Yes, I do

A broom for the shaft

And a broom for the flume

Though I'm covered with soot

From me 'ead to me toes

A sweep knows 'e's welcome

Wherever 'e goes

Chim chiminey

Chim chiminey

Chim chim cher-ee!

When you're with a sweep

You're in glad company

No where is there

A more 'appier crew

Than them wot sings

"Chim chim cher-ee

Chim cher-oo!"

On the chim chiminey

Chim chim cher-ee

Chim cher-oo!

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